Knowledge You Expect To Learn

📖 2 minute read

Writing an individual project plan for your project work can be difficult. The secret of creating a workable task plan is to consider not only the work you will complete, but also the knowledge you expect to learn as you perform each task.

As you complete tasks from your plan, two things happen:

  1. you create deliverables, and
  2. you learn.

On a short project you may not be able to learn much. If your project is short, only a week long, then to improve the odds of success, you have to make a plan considering only the knowledge you have at the beginning of the project. One week is generally not sufficient to learn something of consequence that will help you get your project done on time. When you make your plan, focus on the deliverables created by each task. When all tasks are done, the output created must add up to a completed project.

If you notice that you have lots of short projects, then you need to take a more systematic view, and find ways to include learning into your work. Teams that fight fires, each fire being a short project, tend to believe that they don't have time to learn. They feel that there is never time for learning. However, firefighting is really one long project with lots of short iterations. More on this another time.

On a longer project you must learn. If your project is longer, 2 to 4 months or more, then you must factor learning in the work you are planning to do. More so, you may even want to include deliverables that allow you to verify that learning has occurred. Such deliverables are prototypes, proof of concepts, sample code that you create to demonstrate to yourself (sometimes to others) that you indeed understand the work, the requirements, the API, or some other things related to the project.

Outside of explicit learning-oriented deliverables you also must factor learning into the regular project tasks. Let’s look at an example. You make a plan to create component A and component B. B will be using A through A’s public interface. However, at the time of planning you don’t know exactly how that interface will behave. So you plan for learning.

The knowledge you expect to learn is that you will know exactly how A will behave before you start work on B. This knowledge is pre-requisite for doing the correct work on B. Part of the tasks for creating component A include the writing of A’s unit tests. When you perform this task you will learn how to call A through its public interface. By the time you start work on B, you will have acquired the necessary knowledge to perform the work on B. You didn’t have this knowledge when you made the plan, but you planned for the learning to occur by the time you needed it.

After some practice, factoring into your plans the knowledge you expect to learn will enable you to make more detailed plans for longer horizons with higher accuracy. The challenge is that you need to change the way you think about project work.

Plan for learning. Make learning an explicit and expected outcome of each task. You’ll surprise yourself, and your team. Your plans will become ever more accurate.